The Benefits of LED Lights for Outdoor Lighting and Desert Landscaping
With today’s automobiles, LED lighting is a very common feature found on most sedans, crossovers, SUVs, and pickup SUVs. The simple reason as to why manufacturers have chosen to design their vehicles with this type of lighting is because LED lights are energy efficient lighting that lasts much longer than traditional lighting. They use a fraction of the power of conventional light bulbs to provide practically decades of usability, which is why they are now utilized as ideal lighting for landscape lighting that is done on most homes. If you are building a new home or simply remodeling your old home, a good suggestion would be to invest on LED lighting. Here are some benefits that may entice you.
LED Lights Allow More Money Saving
It is a fact that LED lights cost substantially more than your conventional incandescent light bulbs, however, with the amount of energy that they use, LED lights actually save you more on your electricity bill. This is a benefit to homeowners who regularly have outdoor parties/get-togethers on their gardens or patios.
LED Lighting is Environment-Friendly
Using LED lights on your landscape lighting allows you to lend a friendly hand to the environment as 20% of the world’s energy usage is spent on lighting. This percentage could be reduced to 4% if the entire world decided to switch to LED lighting in their homes, offices, and public buildings. With the energy that incandescent light bulbs use, it could be utilized to light up to 9 LED light bulbs with the same brightness level. To further explain; an incandescent light bulb emits enough heat to bake a cake, while an LED light bulb remains cool enough for users to touch even with prolonged use.
LED Lighting Reduces Maintenance Costs
Another benefit that comes with LED lighting is its durability, which is dramatically better than your average incandescent or fluorescent light bulb. On average, LED lights are built to last up to 20 years with a replacement ratio of LED lights to incandescent lights being at 1:30. To put thing in perspective; if you use LED light bulbs on your landscape lighting on the same day that your baby is born, the next time you will most like replace those bulbs is right before your child’s college graduation.
Installation Options
The installation of LED light bulbs is very easy as they are similar to incandescent light bulbs in the sense that they are designed to fit screw-in fixtures such as lamps, ceiling lights, and spotlights. These fixtures are used for most outdoor lighting designs to provide brighter, more sustainable lighting. In addition, LED lights come in many available options that are suitable for all sorts of outdoor lighting and dessert landscaping.
With LED lighting, the only drawback is they are substantially pricier than conventional lighting. They do, however, save you more money on energy and maintenance and they go a very long way at preserving the environment.